Research Validation Workshop in Pretoria


Examining the state of mixed movements along the Western Indian Ocean Route

The Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) are organizing a research consultation workshop on the findings of a new joint-study on the mixed movement dynamics along the Western Indian Ocean Route on 5 December in Pretoria, South Africa.

The event will be structured into thematic sessions, with research presentations from MMC complemented by interventions from stakeholders. During their interventions, stakeholders will be invited to discuss the implications of the data and research for mixed movement programming and policy in the Western Indian Ocean region, and/or in countries along the route. Each panel will have a small Q&A session where participants in the room and online can ask targeted questions to the presenter(s) and discussants. All attendees will then take part in a facilitated discussion.


08:45 – 09:30 Arrival and registration, with light breakfast

Moderation and facilitation of the workshop by:

Dr Ayla Bonfiglio, Head of the Mixed Migration Centre Eastern and Southern Africa

09:30 – 09:45 Welcome and introductory remarks

Igor Ciobanu, UNHCR Deputy Representative South Africa Multi-Country Office (SAMCO)

09:45 – 10:15 Panel 1: Introduction to the research and profiles, routes and mixed movement drivers

Jim van Moorsel, Research Coordinator, Mixed Migration Centre Eastern and Southern Africa

Interventions from programming: TBC
Short Q&A

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee/tea break
10:30 – 11:00 Panel 2: Interactions with smugglers and smuggling networks

Dr Ayla Bonfiglio, Head of the Mixed Migration Centre Eastern and Southern Africa Interventions from programming and policy: TBC
Short Q&A

11:00 – 11:30 Panel 3: Risks and assistance needs

Tracy Haggai, Research Specialist, Mixed Migration Centre Eastern and Southern Africa

Interventions from programming: TBC
Short Q&A

11:30 – 12:15 Facilitated discussion

Key questions:

  • What do you perceive as key data and research gaps with respect to mixed movement issues impacting the Western Indian Ocean Route and specific countries along the route?
  • How can we work towards shared strategies on collecting, providing and sharing evidence on the Western Indian Ocean Route?
  • What are the key policy priorities for mixed movement along the Western Indian Ocean Route?
  • What are key implications we can draw out from the data for the programming activities of UN agencies, organisations and civil society?
2:15 – 12:30 Next steps and key take aways

Dr Ayla Bonfiglio, Head of the Mixed Migration Centre Eastern and Southern Africa UNHCR (TBC)

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch and networking


Participants located in Johannesburg or Pretoria are encouraged to participate in-person. Furthermore, selected delegates from The Comoros, Madagascar and Tanzania will be sponsored to join in-person. For other participants who wish to join online, a Zoom link to join virtually will be provided after RSVP’ing. All participants are kindly requested to RSVP through this link by 29 November latest.


MMC and UNHCR are seeking the participation of national and local government actors and civil society (in particular delegates from The Comoros, Madagascar and Tanzania), multilateral actors (including the Indian Ocean Commission and the Southern African Development Community), embassies and donor government focal points covering the region and working on refugee and migration issues, humanitarian and development actors working on refugee or migration issues in Eastern and Southern Africa, and academia specialising in the topics of South-South migration in the Indian Ocean and Eastern and Southern Africa


  • To provide a platform for consultation, validation and discussion of research findings and their implications;
  • To discuss evidence and information gaps and challenges on mixed movements along the Western Indian Ocean Route;
  • To reflect on implications of the research for (routes-based) policy and programming along the Western Indian Ocean Route;
  • To advocate for more resources for programming, evidence and research on the Western Indian Ocean Route.
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