Mixed Migration Review

Mixed Migration Review – Highlights. Interviews. Essays. Data.

The Mixed Migration Review (MMR) is the flagship annual report of the Mixed Migration Centre, first published in 2018. The report offers a deep analytical dive into the world of mixed migration, using the mixed migration lens to offer a critical and necessary framework to understand and respond to the complex characteristics and protection imperatives that defines contemporary human mobility.

Each MMR offers a number of standard sections:

  • A global overview of mixed migration trends and dynamics and new policy developments of the past year (‘keeping track’).
  • A series of thought-provoking essays looking at the most salient and polemical issues  with respect to mixed migration
  • Interviews with individuals and officials closely associated with or relevant to the sector and its challenges.
  • Updates from MMC’s 4Mi project, presenting a selection of data from  interviews with migrants MMC conducts every year.

Each year the MMR may introduce new features and present a different overarching focus, reflective of the dynamic and fast-evolving nature of mixed migration.

Photo: Clive Shirley

Mixed Migration Review 2024

In this extraordinary year of elections almost half the world’s population in more than 80 countries headed to the polls in 2024, including some of the richest and most powerful, the most populous, the most authoritarian and the most devastated and fragile countries. This year’s Mixed Migration Review explores the interwoven relationship involving politics and migration through interviews with critical global and regional thinkers and practitioners in the sector, expert essays and thematic snapshots spotlighting specific issues and through in-depth and personal migrant stories.

Mixed Migration Review 2023

The vast majority of the world’s migration takes place within countries and within regions. Not between regions and certainly not from the majority world to the minority world, despite some common misconceptions. In line with this predominantly regional nature of mixed migration, the Mixed Migration Review 2023 (MMR 2023), while as always global in its coverage, offers a deliberately regional focus, zooming in on specific regional or, primarily, country contexts.

Mixed Migration Review 2022

The impact of the war in Ukraine as well as the socio-economic legacy of the Covid-19 pandemic are being felt profoundly across the world as prices rise, food insecurity grows, and an economic slowdown takes hold. All of these dynamics are impacting upon migration and forced displacement. The Mixed Migration Review 2022, the Mixed Migration Centre’s flagship annual report, reflects on recent events and emerging trends affecting refugees and migrants globally, attempting to document, analyse, and suggest solutions.

Mixed Migration Review 2021

The global context is fast changing and with new geopolitical emergencies (conflicts and disasters), new public health threats (pandemics(s)), new levels of environmental stress (accelerating climate change), changing trends in movement and government policy affecting movement, changing perceptions around migration, ambivalent forecasting prognosis and improved data resources, now is the time to re-visit and re-appraise mixed migration through the lens of different themes in one volume.

Mixed Migration Review 2020

The overarching focus of the MMR2020 is urban migration. This year’s edition offers updates on global mixed migration trends and policy developments while examining the role of cities in human mobility. Through essays, mini-case studies (‘urban spotlights’) and interviews with leading experts and thought leaders the MMR 2020 offers a detailed analysis of mixed migration and cities.

Mixed Migration Review 2019

What will the future of mixed migration look like? That’s the overarching focus of the MMR2019. In the different essays we are exploring how developments on a broad range of topics (securitisation, climate change, artificial intelligence, economy, demography, politics, etc) will affect the future of mixed migration. The ‘keeping track’ section includes regional future migration outlooks and in addition to 4Mi data, the report zooms in on the individual migration stories of refugees and migrants on the move.

Mixed Migration Review 2018

This first MMR offers a review of mixed migration around the world focusing on key events and policy developments during 2017/2018. The report includes essays looking at the most salient and polemical issues facing the refugee and migration sectors with respect to mixed flows. The report is based on a wide range of research and 4Mi data. In three major sections (the migrants’ world, the smugglers’ world and global debates), the report offers a analytical dive into the world of mixed migration.