How to migrate north
Factors behind Central American refugees’ and migrants’ decisions in Mexico
People on the move from Central America face several decisions before and during their journey north: which migration route to take? What means of transportation to use? How to avoid dangers during the journey? Dozens of irregular border crossings can be used to enter Mexico from Guatemala. Once in Mexico, there are three main land routes to reach the northern border with the US: the Gulf Route, the Pacific Route and the route through the center of Mexico. Data presented in this snapshot covers the Pacific route journey in Mexico along, between Tapachula and Tijuana and explores the reasons behind refugees and migrants’ decisions on their migration route. The analysis is based on 721 surveys conducted in Mexico between February and August 2021, mainly by face-to-face interview and partially by phone.
Las personas en movilidad desde América Central enfrentan varias decisiones antes y durante su viaje hacia el norte: ¿Qué ruta migratoria tomar? ¿Qué medio de transporte utilizar? ¿Cómo evitar peligros durante el viaje? Una vez en México, existen tres rutas terrestres principales para llegar a la frontera norte con Estados Unidos. Los datos presentados en este snapshot cubren la ruta del Pacífico a lo largo de México, entre Tapachula y Tijuana, y exploran las razones detrás de las decisiones de personas refugiadas y migrantes acerca de su ruta migratoria. l análisis se basa en 721 encuestas realizadas en México entre febrero y agosto de 2021.