Protection in Mixed Movements: UNHCR – MMC Policy Workshop on Protection Challenges on the Central (CMR) & Western Mediterranean Routes (WMR)
This is a solutions-oriented workshop.
The Policy Workshop on Protection Challenges on the Central (CMR) & Western Mediterranean Routes (WMR) brings together approximately 50 academics, practitioners, civil society advocates and policy influencers to highlight protection challenges and identify opportunities for advocacy, policy development and reform of asylum and protection in the context of broader migration management.
Download the Workshop Brochure (EN) | WATCH THE WORKSHOP LIVE | Follow Us on Twitter #ProtectionChallenges2021
Missed any sessions or want to revisit content from the workshop? Find the recordings here and below:
Day 1: 15 February 2021
- Introduction and Aims of the Workshop
- Keynote: Protection along the Central Mediterranean Route in 2021: Questions, Gaps and Possibilities
- Panel 1: Critical approaches to trafficking in persons and policy
- Panel 2: Key links in the chain of smuggling policies: intermediaries, people on the move, and local communities
- Day 1 Wrap up of Key Points for Advocacy, Policy Reform, and Action
Day 2: 16 February 2021
- Welcome and quick introduction to the day’s schedule
- Keynote: Challenging ideas of protection
- Roundtable Discussion: Gaps and good practices in national protection frameworks
- Keynote: The AU’s Role in Managing and Responding to Mixed Migration – Key Priorities for Future Policy Development and Implementation
- Panel 3: Protection in contexts of mixed movement
- Day 2: Wrap up of Key Points for Advocacy, Policy Reform, and Action
Day 3: 17 February 2021
- Welcome and quick introduction to the day’s schedule
- Keynote: Human Rights Dimensions of Migration from the Horn
- Panel 4: Regional policy responses to mixed movement
- Panel 5: Advocating for improved protection responses
- Strategy Session – Synthesis of Key Points for Advocacy, Policy Reform, and Action / Validation of Action Plan
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”UNHCR-MMC Policy Workshop Agenda”]
Access all relevant documents here:
UNHCR MMC Policy Workshop CfP
UNHCR Background Note to Policy Workshop
Background Materials list
Website Article
For questions related to the policy workshop, please contact: and