
Mixed migration and cities: Urban frontlines for displacement and mobility

About the Mixed Migration Review 2020

In an increasingly urbanized world, cities experience numerous types of human mobility, both forced and voluntary. Cities attract internal and international migrants and offer refuge to a majority of today’s forcibly displaced. Urban centers can provide refugees and migrants with important opportunities, while also exposing them to a variety of risks.

What are the experiences of refugees and migrants in different urban centers around the world? Which risks and opportunities do cities present to refugees and migrants, and vice-versa? To what extent do cities offer protection to refugees and migrants? How will refugees and migrants in cities be affected by climate vulnerabilities? How do different global and regional processes influence urban approaches to mobility, and what can we learn from how cities govern migration issues compared to national migration polices? What are existing data gaps regarding mobile populations in cities? And what is the relation between cities, migration and COVID-19?

The overarching focus of the Mixed Migration Review (MMR) 2020 is urban migration. This year’s edition offers updates on global mixed migration trends and policy developments while examining the role of cities in human mobility. Through essays, mini-case studies (‘urban spotlights’), first-hand accounts from refugees and migrants themselves (‘urban voices’) and interviews with leading experts and thought leaders the MMR2020 offers a detailed analysis of mixed migration and cities.

Our funding partners

The development of the MMR 2020 is made possible through the generous support of the following partners:

  • Robert Bosch Foundation
  • Danida