About MMC’s work in Europe
MMC engages in data collection, research, analysis and policy development on mixed migration to and within Europe.
Our primary objectives are to bridge the knowledge gap, guide programming that enhances migrant protection, and support policy-making that upholds the rights and safety of people on the move.
MMC’s flagship data collection project with people on the move, 4Mi, has been operational in Europe since 2019. In 2024, data collection is ongoing in Italy, Greece, Spain, Belgium and France, surveying people who have travelled along mixed migration routes to Europe. In addition to 4Mi, MMC Europe undertakes various research initiatives.
Ongoing MMC Europe initiatives include: Understanding discrimination in access to housing for migrants in Italy, Greece, and Malta; exploring vulnerabilities to trafficking among people displaced from Ukraine in Bern, Berlin and Warsaw; exploring return’s perceptions and intentions among undocumented migrants in France and Belgium, with particular focus on Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) options ; exploring the impact of irregularity on access to services and employment for migrant workers in Italy, Greece, and Spain; understanding decision-making processes during migration journeys in Europe and the role of public policy.