Afghan, Chin and Rohingya refugees in Malaysia
Understanding information sources and gaps
This snapshot examines access to information about routes, destinations, costs, and risks among Afghan, Chin and Rohingya refugees in Malaysia. It presents insights on the sources of information and the means used to obtain information both before and during the journey to Malaysia, information gaps and the implications these gaps have on decision-making.
This snapshot has been produced under the Protecting Refugees in Asia (PRiA) project, a three-year ECHO-funded initiative launched in 2021 to address protection risks and needs of refugees in Southeast Asia. Access other publications under the PRRiA project here:
• Profiles and drivers of Rohingya moving to Malaysia
• Protection risks for Rohingya women and children: from departure country to arrival in Malaysia
• Journeys to Indonesia for Rohingya refugees
• Protection risks of Rohingya refugees in Malaysia
• Rohingya refugees in Indonesia: a focus on smuggling, information, and financing
• Rohingya refugees in Thailand: Profiles, drivers of migration and access to assistance