Migration drivers and onward movement among migrants in South America

Based on 4Mi interviews conducted across South America, this snapshot explores the reasons why migrants leave their countries of origin, the reasons for onward movements, and which factors inform their destination selection.

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1,046 surveys were collected between 12 July and 30 September 2024. Thirty-eight per cent of respondents were surveyed in Peru, 19% in Bolivia, 19% in Argentina, and 18% in Chile. 5% of the surveys were conducted in Uruguay, less than 1% of respondents were surveyed in Brazil and Ecuador.


– Almost all respondents (95%) indicated a preference to stay in South America.

– Most began their migration route from their country of nationality (85%), and mainly from Venezuela.

– The drivers of migration were mixed for the majority of respondents with 75% mentioning more than one reason for migrating.

– Economic reasons were the most common migration driver reported by 87% of all respondents, combined with personal or family reasons (47%), violence, insecurity and conflict (39%), lack of access to services or corruption (38%), and restricted rights and freedoms (30%).

– Destination selection (n= 1,034) is driven by economic reasons (74%), followed by the search for better living conditions (58%), family reunification (46%), and safety (43%).

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