Published by: MMC
Region: Asia and the Pacific, Central America, Eastern and Southern Africa, Europe, Global, Latin America and the Caribbean, North Africa, West Africa
Mixed Migration Review 2021
Highlights. Interviews. Essays. Data.
The fourth publication of the annual Mixed Migration Review by the Mixed Migration Centre offers a comprehensive annual analysis of mixed migration, through the overarching theme of “reframing human mobility”. The Keeping track section sets out the year’s key mixed migration trends across the globe and summarises selected policy and legislative developments. A series of essays invite to reappraise received wisdoms, introducing the new concept of ‘mixed immobility’, exploring topics such as climate change and mixed migration, south-south migration, the role of defense companies in the securitisation of migration, future mobility in a post-pandemic world, the issue of returns and more. Interviews with policymakers, journalists, humanitarians, filmmakers, activists, academics and researchers, raise many difficult questions and allowing space for new thinking. The report is based on a wide range of research and offers access to an exclusive selection of 4Mi data from the approximately 10,000 interviews with refugees and migrants conducted annually by MMC. To complement the primary data, the review includes five stories highlighting the often extraordinary experiences and journeys of refugees and migrants. Our yearly global compilation “Normalising the Extreme” lists policies and actions that restrict mixed migration and the rights of people on the move – it is contrasted by a new sister section titled “Resisting the Extreme” outlining positive and progressive developments. Five winning essays from the first MMC essay competition “Alternative Perspectives” offer insights and reflections on mixed migration by young researchers and writers from and based in the global south.
Download Explore the interactive e-publicationFor media inquiries please contact:
Bram Frouws, Head of MMC in Geneva, at bram.frouws@mixedmigration.org
Julia Litzkow, Communication Officer in Geneva, at julia.litzkow@mixedmigration.org
DRC press office in Copenhagen at press@drc.ngo / +45 28116727
Read the press release Download the key messagesThe report was launched virtually on Tuesday, 30 November, 14:00-15:30 (CET). The launch brought together migration experts from different fields for an armchair discussion on two overarching themes that feature throughout the review: 1) Mixed migration as a lens to look at contemporary patterns of forced and voluntary human mobility and immobility, within and across borders 2) Mixed migration politics and policies.
Watch the launch event recording