Latest on MMC

PACES – Making migration and migration policy decisions amidst societal transformations
MMC is part of PACES, a 40-month (2023-2026) Horizon Europe project that aims to encourage migration policymakers to adopt migration research as the basis for migration policymaking. The project’s interdisciplinary consortium is led by the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and composed in total of 11 beneficiary and 3 associated partners, including universities and non-profit organisations. MMC is participating with research in Italy, Niger and Tunisia. Learn more at iss.nl/paces

Data and Research on Mixed Movement Decision-Making and Protection Experiences in transit along the Western Indian Ocean Route
MMC Eastern and Southern Africa | Egypt and Yemen (ESA) has partnered with UNHCR's South Africa Multi-Country Office to support an innovative pilot research project on the Western Indian Ocean Route towards Mayotte. MMC will pilot an in-depth qualitative approach in the Comoros, Madagascar, and Tanzania to better understand the protection experiences, movement decision-making, and intentions and aspirations of (prospective) people on the move along this route.

Research with SOGIESC Migrants in Kenya to examine their Displacement Decision-Making and Protection Experiences
In 2024, MMC is collaborating with DRC Kenya on a DANIDA-funded project aimed at collecting evidence on the experiences of SOGIESC migrants in Kenya. The research focuses on the impact of recent anti-SOGIESC policy developments in Uganda, Kenya and the wider region on displacement decision-making, and intra- and cross-regional mixed migration.