What is 4Mi?
4Mi is the Mixed Migration Centre’s flagship primary data collection system, an innovative approach that helps fill knowledge gaps, and inform policy and response regarding the nature of mixed migratory movements and the protection risks for migrants on the move. It is a regular, standardized, quantitative and globalized system, with a network of more than 120 field enumerators who are conducting survey interviews with migrants on the move in around 15 countries at any one point in time.
In-depth survey interviews with migrants
4Mi has a unique network of field enumerators situated along frequently used mixed migration routes and in major migratory hubs. Our enumerators use a standard in-depth survey to conduct more than 1,000 4Mi interviews per month with migrants who have recently arrived in a location or are still on the move. MMC has conducted more than 125,000 surveys since 4Mi began in 2014.
Through 4Mi, MMC places those on the move and what they say at the heart of our understanding of the mixed migration phenomenon, and the 4Mi approach enables MMC to gather extensive and timely data relating to individual profiles, drivers of migration, experiences and decision-making along the journey, interactions with smugglers, and aspirations and destination choices.
More on how 4Mi works, our methodology and how we collect our data, can be found here in our FAQs