Quarterly Mixed Migration Updates (Q2 2024)

The latest mixed migration trends and dynamics around the world

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Photo: IOM/Claudia Rosel Barrios 2022

New report

Crossing borders, building livelihoods

The insecure economic lives of migrants in Libya

Read the report
© Anhar Sayid Jabir

New joint UNHCR-IOM-MMC report

‘On this journey, no one cares if you live or die’ Volume 2

Abuse, Protection and Justice along Routes between East and West Africa and Africa’s Mediterranean Coast

Read the report
© IOM 2016/Amanda NERO

About MMC’s work in North Africa 

MMC engages in data collection, research, analysis and policy development on mixed migration in North Africa.

Our primary objectives are to fill the knowledge gap on mixed migration in the region; to inform programming for migrants, particularly in the area of protection; and to inform policy-making around the rights and protection of people on the move.

MMC’s flagship data collection project ‘4Mi‘ currently operates in Tunisia and Morocco, where a network of enumerators conducts surveys with migrants who have reached Tunisia from across the continent as well as from the Middle East and Asia.

Our funding partners

MMC’s work in North Africa is made possible through the generous support and close cooperation with various partners

  • Swiss SDC
  • University of Edinburgh 
  • Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 
  • European Union
  • UNDP
  • NRC

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