Quarterly Mixed Migration Updates (Q2 2024)

The latest mixed migration trends and dynamics around the world

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Photo: IOM/Claudia Rosel Barrios 2022

New study

How do people on the move to North America use social media?

Overview of the information shared by migrant populations in public Facebook groups

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Photo: © IOM 2023 / Gema Cortes

New Paper

Secondary Actors

The role of smugglers in mixed migration through the Americas

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Photo: IOM 2023 / Gema Cortes

About MMC’s work in Latin America and the Caribbean

MMC engages in data collection, research, analysis and policy development on mixed migration in Latin America and the Caribbean.  

Our primary objectives are to fill the knowledge gap on mixed migration in the region; to inform programming for migrants, particularly in the area of protection; and to inform policy-making around the rights and protection of people on the move. 

MMC’s flagship data collection project ‘4Mi’ currently operates in Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru, focusing on people leaving Venezuela, as well as migrants from across Latin America and the Caribbean, and extra continentals, who are heading towards North America.

Mixed Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Americas are a continent characterized primarily by intra-regional movements. Mixed migration movements in LAC gained global attention between 2017 and 2018, when the number of migrants from Venezuela sharply increased and reached virtually every country in the region. After initially adopting an open border policy, several states in LAC started imposing increasing restrictions to the mobility of Venezuelan migrants, who now struggle to move and integrate in their country of destination.

In parallel, Central and North America continue to witness mixed migration movements of two main population groups, both trying to reach the US: nationals of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, leaving their countries of origin to find protection from violence and persecution by criminal gangs, improve their economic situation and reunite with family members at destination; and people on the move from African, Asian and Caribbean countries, also motivated by a variety of drivers that include searching for better opportunities but also fleeing armed conflict and persecution. Several initiatives – including safe third country agreements – have been put in place by the US to reduce both regular and irregular migration and prevent people on the move from reaching its territory.

4Mi Interactive in Latin America and the Caribbean

Children, youth and caregivers on the move in Honduras

This dashboard presents data from interviews with migrant caregivers (who are travelling with children) and youth (18-25 years old) in different locations in Honduras. Learn about their experiences, decision-making and humanitarian needs during the journey. Produced in collaboration with UNICEF Honduras and the Centro de Desarrollo Humano (CHD). Available in English and Spanish.

Returning to Venezuela

This dashboard presents data from interviews with Venezuelan migrants across Colombia and Peru who intend to return to Venezuela. Learn about their experiences in their last host country, their return journey, and their migration intentions and expectations. Available in English and Spanish.

Our funding partners

MMC’s work in Latin America and the Caribbean is made possible through the generous support and close cooperation with various partners

  • European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) 

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